
To Be Mary ...

One of my favorite Disney films, non-animated, is Mary Poppins. I’m certain there are many physiological deductions that can be gathered by that, Mom? Might I share some of my own?

I love the fact that she flies in with the wind on a blustery afternoon. I love the sun shine, I love lazy days on the beach. If I had to choose however, I would chose the blustery windy and close to rainy days. On those days I feel as if the world is echoing back my own emotions. Not that I’m always ‘dark and twisty’ but rather that there is more than just a clear sky with no thoughts, deep not dark. And the fact that she doesn’t have to get on an airplane … merciful heaven!

I love the fact that she walks in, and within a moment, has taken complete control. She is not forceful but she is not feared either. She knows that in this particular situation she will lead and do the necessary job of helping people realize what is truly important in this life. It’s not the money in the bank Mr. Banks is so concerned with nor is it the whole political reform Mrs. Banks is active in, bless her heart though for trying to change the world women knew. She has a mission, a goal for the good of others, and she will accomplish it, period.

I love the fact her bag is magical. I need a magical bag that will fit all of my needed furniture without calling for a truck – dang it that I don’t live in CA with the F150s (yes, I know what those are) and Tacomas in abundance. I’m also certain that the magical bag held within it perfect boxes for all of her thoughts and concerns (baggage as others might refer to it as). She only pulled them out when she needed to, not before nor after.

I love the fact that she has her best friend, Bert. He is reliable, constant. His arm is always there to keep her steady. His pitch is always perfectly harmonized with hers and they both know the words to the song. They jump into paintings together and have tea on the ceiling. She keeps him grounded while he reminds her that there is fun to be had and life to be lived outside of her goal, inclusive of her goal. They dance together. They get dirty together and watch the night of London from the rooftops. They have not seen each other for quite some time and … they have a Holiday together. They do not get gushy or mushy, they are just Mary and Bert, Bert and Mary.

I love the fact that life was falling apart and she came in and smiled a little, jumped a little, sang a little, danced a little, ignored what the world would have her do a lot … and flew away at the end, having fixed the lives of those she cared for. She moved on …


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

also one of my most favorite movies of all time. i needed this tonight. thanks

Elisha said...

Good Blog Kas! I do love me some Mary Poppins (even if I didn't love her musical from the beginning... not her fault)Thanks for often being the Mary Poppins who comes in sings a little, dances a little and fixes things for me.

Brianna said...

I had no idea the depth to this Mary character. I think you have played the part very well- have a lot of good control and vision for what you want to happen. I want to know who you consider to be your Bert. I have the song Bert sings in my head. Mary makes the sun shine bright, happy days are blooming all around her, daffodils are la di da di da. When mary holds your hand you feel so grand, your heart starts beating like a big brass band. I don't remember the rest of the song, but it makes me smile. Happy sunday Mary.