
Treasure Balance

I think we all find treasures. Cowboy and Girlfriend find them on Grandpa's Lake. Some find them along other paths in life, whether while traveling through Taiwan and the back countries of Asia or on a road trip up PCH or sitting in a beautifully built building reading a novel or even while watching D choose J.

As of late I've thought much about the treasures we find. Like Cowboy we are excited and anxious to dig deep and make it ours. People all around us will tell us we can't, we shouldn't. But we persevere. We dig deep. We defy the opinions and recommendations. This treasure is rare, it's real. This treasure could be the part of us that is missing. So we work at it. Others come around to help and we welcome extra hands. They offer their advise, "Put your back into it" or "Use the backhoe" or "Wait till the tide comes back in". They offer some of their own brute strength. They inspire us to continue. And in turn you inspire them to dig deep, to find their own treasure.

But sometimes we get lost in this treasure, we lose a balance that is necessary in life and we miss everything that is around us. There are so many treasures that have already been handed to us. We've got to remember to experience those as well. The kids at the Lake seemed to find the balance ... 'become as a little child'.

Dig deep but look up every once in awhile to enjoy what you already have. Leap into the next adventure of life with courage and excitement while remembering that you are leaping with greater knowledge and strength because of where you have already been. Find that balance Kas...

1 comment:

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Thanks for this post! It helped me today after an interesting weekend, that's for sure. You are great.