
Dear Uncle Matt ...

This man, my dear Uncle Matt leaves tomorrow morning for the Middle East.  At 50 he decided to go back into the Army to defend freedom for those without this liberty.  How does his perhaps-not-bleeding-heart-liberal-but-at-the-very-least-slightly-dripping-slightly-small-artery-liberal-niece feel about it?  This is not about the 'war'.  This is about my Uncle Matt's choice to defend something he believes in, that I support 100%, without question.  He takes off on a plane heading towards a world that I will never truly understand.  He leaves his wife, sons, and grandchild, mother, father, sisters and brothers to go and put on the uniform of the Good Guys.  He is putting his life on the line.  Yep, that is dramatic but I am simply quoting Grams {she had a real moment when he announced he was going back to active duty after twenty some odd years as a police officer}.

To my Uncle Matt I say this ... I love you and I am excited for you to come home.  Yep, already I'm excited for that moment.  Because this is how I know and love you, sitting in the humid MidWest heat as we await the fireworks while listening to the symphony.  You are the Uncle that when I was younger would hold me and read to me.  You would tell me stories, your voice could sooth the hurt from the brothers or cousins being mean.  You hum and that leads to quiet singing, a simple and clear voice that brings with it a feeling of home and quiets the noise of 20+ people trying to put together last minute costumes for the production.  You are the only one that can cook those ribs that I crave {the only food I craved while I was on my mission}.  You are the only one that loves us nieces {daughters/granddaughters} just a little bit more than the boys, we know it and appreciate it and adore you too.  You are the Belly Flop Man, will they still be at the house with your absence?  You are the one that understands my love for Ron Weasly.  You are the Uncle that loves me, often over my yelling and arguing.  You are the man that has been through it all and are now off on this new ... adventure?  Your faith Uncle Matt is unmatched by us mere mortals.  Your perspective on this life and the next is not easily achieved.  Your strength is something sought after by all men.  And because I have you in my life, as my Uncle and example, I feel I am one step closer to greatness as I have your footsteps to follow.  You go half way across the world with my prayers and my love.  Come back to us safely.   Dear God, bring him home to us.

It is this Uncle, my Papa, my Grandfather, my mother, my other Uncles, my Grams, my Aunts ... well, it's my family that made me ... me.  So when 'people' say to me, "You are too intense, too involved, too ... {insert backhanded compliment}" I often laugh and wish them a day with us.  I was not raised to be a bystander.  I was not raised to keep my thoughts to myself {have you met me, I'm a bit of a lefty surrounded by Reagan-ites? but they love me because I stick to my guns, I use my words and not a ridiculous amount of tears}.  I was not raised to let the truth be optional, no matter the situation.  I do not apologize for my convictions.  I do not apologize for using my words.  I do not apologize for causing a ruckus ... Life is an adventure ~ CAUSE SOME FREAKIN' ruckus!!   If you don't, you can be certain I will.


Unknown said...


adespain said...

Kasi, of course I will be at the wedding, I will be a little more than three weeks away from due date but that couldn't stop me.