
I Get It

It's been almost six months since Michelle's visit to Utah. It amazes me that the REDDEST STATE (for my political babies that are just learning that means a conservative state) was privileged with the presence of a Democrat. Barack was scheduled to come but with the passing of President Hinckley it was decided that his trip would be cancelled out of respect and honor for the late prophet. When it was confirmed that Michelle was to come in his place, I'll be honest, I was even more thrilled. These videos are from that visit.

Having dedicated much of my time during the months of November, December, and January to this campaign I grew to know the characters of Barack and Michelle. How they run this campaign, with respect and dignity, trickles down to even the lowliest volunteer. They care deeply for one another, for their daughters, for their unique heritages, for God, and for this country.

I have found myself defending my regard for Barack and this campaign on a daily basis. A few days ago I received an email from an 'acquaintance' attacking me for going 'against the faith' that I cherish. The argument was that I have simply gotten atop a band wagon without truly knowing in which direction I am heading, that it is the 'hype and fad' I am intrigued with. Oh GOODNESS!! I have cooled down and responded with this ...

I am not one to go with the 'hype or fad'. I am a 25 year old single Mormon Girl working for a democrat in the state of Utah. I have not read Harry Potter nor seen the films. I refuse to talk through my nose and click my tongue. I share my life with a variety of people, only a portion being those that share my faith. I do not succumb to the wind. I am not ignorant of the issues nor of Barack's positions, I share his views on Health Care, the War, Education, Immigration ... I could go on. What we also have to look at however is the fact that enthusiasm, hope, and a man to inspire these things in people is a reason to vote for him or at the very least consider him. To have a man of integrity in the White House will change America. The policies are going to change constantly, the arguments to evolve with time, but a person's character is what ~ hopefully ~ remains intact through it all. It's that trust that will change how Americans feel about the Man in the White House. It's that trust that will continue to inspire the my generation, the previous apathetic generation, to get out and not simply vote but speak up about voting. It's that trust that will make our Nation the Nation that our Founding Fathers dreamed of. It's that trust, that character, that Man that will continue to cultivate hope.

We can argue where Barack stands on the issues, whether he and the Church are in juxtapositions or not (let us remember that the LDS Church takes NO POSITION, simply encourages us to be proactive in our political process)... but at night, he's tucking the girls in bed, kissing Michelle goodnight and praying to God for the chance to do it again tomorrow while helping others to have the hope for it as well.

This is not just hype or a fad, we have gained the nomination. This is historic. This is change. This is hope. I get it!


Brenda said...

No matter what your political views are, I love you all the same. I have a great respect for you in that you actually have studied and are very proactive about politics. Many people base their votes on what their family, friends or the trend is doing, and don't ever make a point to investigate and decide for themselves. I appreciate how you stand for your beliefs and can back them up.

leannewitney said...

Kasi- I have to disagree. You said, "enthusiasm, hope, and a man to inspire these things in people is a reason to vote for him or at the very least consider him." I feel that these things are NOT what people should go on regarding a vote for the President of USA. There is too much at stake to base your vote on hope, or inspiration. One should sit and really take a look at their stance on certain policies and move forward from there. I just hope that your decision to vote for Obama is based on hard evidence to you that he is the best candidate. Not on the idea or hope that he would be. As for me, I prefer to stay away from the possibility of Marxism in the White House.

Unknown said...

Love ya Kas...dad

Tara Mogle said...

Holy hell! Is this you Kasi? Saw your link on Brent and Collete's.

Wow, how is it going? Apparently good. Well I would make a good President, so if come November I haven't convinced you of that then vote for Obama.

Collette said...

I'm sure Obama's a good guy...I think I'll vote for Paul though.

In other news...we really should get together sometime. It would be grand. I love reading your blog. I can hear you saying all of it! I just usually don't have time to comment.

PS You look gorgeous.

Lisa Hemstreet said...

Kasi -- I respect you for researching the candidates and choosing someone based on their politics. I respect you for choosing your own candidate and not what your "party" or other group affiliation tells you to vote for. I respect you for standing up for what you believe in. I respect you for speaking up when you know that many may not agree with you. I respect YOU!