
17 ...

This morning our conversation went as follows

You: Kas, you like him.
Me: No, I don't like him ... I think he's intriguing.
You: Kasi Jean, you like him.
Me: He's intriguing.
You: Kathryn Jean, you like him. His name isn't (insert name of tall men throughout the last six years of my life). It might be hard for you to grasp this but you like him.
Me: Stop it!

This argument proceeded for the next three minutes

Me: Okay, I might like him.
You: Really!?!?
Me: You sound surprised, you are the one that just convinced me that I did.
You: But now you need to be excited about it.
Me: You ask for a lot from a girl that is just coming back to this crush stage!
You: Be 17!!
Me: What?
You: Be 17 Kasi! Be that girl that drove two hours to watch Brent play basketball or that ran to the phone when Justin called. Be the carefree flirt I know is hidden somewhere deep inside of you! Be 17!

Here we go ...

So I'm going to try that.



I have a grownup job at HP during the day, which I love. Things have been a bit crazy as of late but I like crazy. At night I venture to a local theater ~ not quite a Lincolnshire but not exactly the traveling acting bus touring around the beach front either ~ to find humor, friends, and fun, with a dash of drama for flair. It's a rare moment when I find myself at home, awake ~ I like it that way. Whether I was at the Campaign Office, the Institute, Bunks, Ems, the Beach ... I've liked to be busy.

S made mention, when we were still speaking ~ don't call my friends names, even if you consider yourself a 'special friend', you'll get kicked to the curb ~ of the difficulty to spend time with me. Time is made in my opinion and apparently I decided not to make time for S. But I'm a quality time person ~ I'll stay up late to chat with you on the phone if you call at 12:30 PST or get up early if you only have fifteen minutes on the way to the office, in Manhattan. I'll head into the office two hours early, change around my meetings, to get out in time to take the dog to Liberty Park with you, drive an hour north to sit on the porch and watch the sun go down with you, or hop on a plane to be there as you freak out about things we only freak out about ... I'm a time person, that is my offering and that is what I appreciate the most ~ I'm not a flower girl, a jewlery girl, or even a chocolate girl (unless my sister has baked the brownies to a percise gooiness or Robs has just dipped the strawberries).

So last night I spent some time chatting with a friend before hitting the hay. What surprised me about our conversation as we got off of the telephone was the fact that our roles in one another's lifes have changed, without me really being aware of it. I went through the bedtime routine ~ mindless teeth care/facewash/lotion/choosing of pajAmas ~ amazed at us. Two grownups, acting like grownups, acting like grownups towards one another. I think had I notice the change as it occured I would have paniced, found myself in anxious fits, or wondered what was wrong with us ~ we were functional as is. But because I keep myself occupied, I did not have time to overthink this change between he and I. I'm glad for that. I'm glad for our mindless thoughts and sincere remarks. You can have your crush and I can have mine and we can discuss. You can have your plans and I can have my plans and we can compare notes. You can have your life and I can have mine and we'll intertwine them as we see fit. I'm glad for time, we've had a lot of it ~ but I think we've finally figured us out.


Happy Father's Day

A Few of My Favorite Things About My Dad ~

Sunrise, Lake Michigan, Omelets, Captain Crunch Cereal, Bed Time, Alarm Clock, Weather Reports, Republican Novels, Writing, Snoring, Insightful, Blessings, Charming, Kind, Generous, Cuddling, Laughter, Glasses, Your Chair, Library Time, Shopping, Fixing Things, Fixing People, Fixing Me, Patient, Endearing, Honest, Sincere, Hard Working, Perseverance, Fighter, Never Quitting, Brownie Runs on Christmas Eve, Friday Morning Texts, Diet Coke, Human, All Things Medical, Bank, Logical, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Racine Youth Players Oldest Alumni, Greatest Cheerleader, Faithful Disciple of Christ, Honor, Righteous, Committed, Alive, Emotional, Entrepreneur, Imagination, Winking, Family Home Evening Lessons, Bed Time Prayers, Richards Fifth Best Friend, Newspaper Time, Comics, Donuts, Santa Claus Visits, Loving His Nieces, My Favorite


Brother Brigham

I have the world's greatest Baby Brother. These past few days I've found myself in a bit of a world-wind ~ not certain which way is up or which direction I should be walking. It's funny what another year does to you. I found myself looking at plane tickets home to spend some quality time with Dad ... to LA as Adam has gotten a new job here and someone needs to be attending the yoga in the park every afternoon ... calling my contacts in DC ... reminding Uncle Joe that he would like me to Chicago and live with him ... but made no purchases. I began to again plan my dream train trip ~ yes, it is my dream to mindlessly travel the United States, perhaps even Canada, on the rails while writing the next great American Novel ~ get ready world ~ to me that sounds like heaven! Everything just kept coming last week ... the unnecessary drama, the moments of fear, the questions ... on and on. Yesterday things calmed down a bit, a phone call from Dad and a good three hour block of Church tends to do that, but curling up in bed ~ windows open and wind blowing ~ my mind began to run with the wind. Within thirty minutes of holding the sweet little one ~ who had just learned to say my name! ~ and promising his parents I was great and staying in Utah for at least the next two years I was back on that train heading nowhere at a leisurely pace while writing. It was then sweet Baby Brother, Briggy-bear, Buba shot a text my way, certainly his timing could not have been better as I had the energy to pack my bags at that hour.

After a half an hour of texts, sincere and direct, I found my mind at ease and a strong inclination to lay my head down and get some much needed sleep. He had reminded to put two feet in, not allowing any part of me to go running in any direction. He reminded me that it has been a long time since some of these thoughts and feelings existed and that living with them, through them is the task. So for now, I live in Utah and I like it ~ after all, we've had the best June to date with all of this rain!


Happiness Is ...

Finding a pencil
Pizza with sausage
Telling the time.

Happiness is learning to whistle
Tying your shoe for the very first time
Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band
And Happiness is walking hand in hand.

Happiness is two kinds of ice cream
Knowing a secret
Climbing a tree.

Happiness is five different crayons
Catching a firefly, setting him free.
Happiness is being alone every now and then.
And Happiness is coming home again.

Happiness is morning and evening,
Day time and night time too.
For Happiness is anyone and anything at all That's loved by you.

Happiness is having a sister
Sharing a sandwich,
Getting along.

Happiness is singing together when day is through
and Happiness is those who sing with you.

Happy Monday!


Tendencies ... Prenuptial Agreement ...

I tend to kick … when Scot just talks over me. I kick in that part of the leg where the muscles aren’t as strong, with my big toe. He claims it hurts. I kick because no matter how loud my voice gets he just speaks louder. I had thought the Mount gene was strong enough to out-speak all … I now have my doubts.

I also tend to roll my eyes, a lot. I tend to roll my eyes when I know its best to hold my tongue … which happens often. The problem is that it is ‘best to hold my tongue’ too frequently, so those that know me see the roll and know I’m holding back – so why hold back at that point?

I also tend to have messy hair after certain activities. With this tendency comes the acknowledgement that I don’t pay much attention to the details after said activities. Last night upon my late arrival to the House on the Corner Matt indicated that my hair was looking a bit disheveled, he used another phrase indicating a specific activity but I fear that persons whose opinions may ensue guilt may be reading this blog and create said opinions based on eluded to activity. I’ve now made a mental note to check the mirror before entering the House on the Corner, to avoid calls of clarification.

Now for the interactive part of the blog … How do you feel about Prenuptial Agreements? Seriously, it was the reason for the kicking. Think logically, finding the balance between the emotions. What are your thoughts? I’m interested, really. I won’t kick or yell, I reserve that for special, in-person, occasions. Prenuptial Agreements? My opinion isn't likely to change on the matter ~ shocking that I would be stubborn ~ however, I'd like to prove that there are more in my corner than in the other.