
Kooky Sleep

Okay ... a friend of mine and I were discussing the ridiculous things that some people post about. I, as you know, have been given the curse of having an opinion on everything but we both agreed that some opinions are not necessarily for sharing via public blogging. Please understand, that for us single folk, blogging forces us to think outside the box because, let's be honest, we aren't cute little kids who do the darnedest things. HOWEVER, I REFUSE to blog about ridiculous issues that would cause not only you but also myself to wonder just how far off base I truly am! So if you ever find yourself reading a blog and thinking "Kasi/Marcia/Magnum/Kas/ - or whatever else you might call me - why did you post about this? How embarrassing, stupid, or ridiculous!" PLEASE - TELL ME!

On that note, I will blog about my recent awful sleeping habits. Over the past month or so sleep and I have not been great friends - my mind doesn't turn off as quickly as some and I find myself analyzing early into the morning or waking up after only an hour of sleep with a million thoughts to process. But last week I got two whole nights of FABULOUS SLEEP! Neither night was I in my own bed. Which, for me, is rare - I normally don't sleep well at all without Hermie (I was given a stuffed figurine of Hermie years ago, we've become inseparable), an open window and fan (I am my Father's daughter), and my pillow (stolen from Robs house!). But both nights I awoke ... NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ... NOT SEVERAL TIMES ... later than I ever do ... after seven! ... and felt absolutely refreshed and ready to take on the world!

Dang it that when I came back to Hermie, my plush blankets, my window and fan, and pillow ... I HAD A NIGHTMARE! Not joking! I could not even tell you the last time I had a nightmare. I have dreams every so often but never ANYTHING close to what I dreamt on Monday night. I had fallen asleep, it was probably a bit after one by the time that happened. Then my conscience or subconscious or whatever part of my brain that creates nightmares flipped on. It has been off for at least six years as far as I can recall so it had some energy and lost time to make up for. The nightmare ...

I was walking in downtown Salt Lake City, it was late at night. (I don't know why I was in Salt Lake, you would think if that nightmare part of my brain really wanted to freak me out it would have had me walking in some gross part of LA or Atlanta.) I was lost, not shocking. I pulled out my phone and called a friend in California. Why I called a friend in California rather than someone local is beyond me! I was describing to him where I was but I continued to walk as I was describing so he was never really getting an accurate picture. Before too long I found myself on some back road or alleyway of sorts. (Take away all of the lights and this picture is exactly where I was ... basically.) Does Salt Lake even have allies? I began to feel more than my normal anxiousness regarding being lost. It was dark, I was alone, I was in some remote, hidden, scary part of Salt Lake. I was freaked out. My tones became absurdly high, my speech even more rapid. My friend, in his calm way, tried to remind me that I was fine but I was having no such reminder. He continued speaking in his calm, reassuring voice. I listened and was almost to the point of believing him when someone came up from behind me, wrapped one arm around my waist, and pulled my head far to the left while covering my mouth with a handkerchief of sorts. When I tried to scream I inhaled something and ...

I woke up! I was flabbergasted! Who has a nightmare like like at 25 (I know, I'm only 24 but it took me months to say the right age so I figure I'll start early and be wrong on this side of the line this time!)?!? I immediately got out of bed, checked all of the doors to be sure that they were locked - I live in the safest area EVER! - peaked ever-so-sneakily out of my windows to be sure that no one was there, got freaked out by the shadow of a bush, calmed myself down, crawled so quietly back into bed, clung to Hermie, and eventually fell back asleep. I awoke two more times that night to repeat the process.

I haven't had any recurrences of this nightmare, I was fine and am still fine. I just think that it is odd that at 25 I'm having weird nightmares of strange allies and inhaled substances! I also think that not being able to sleep through the night, even with the help of a sleep aid, is odd! Perhaps I'm just going to have to go move north, into a house with three adorable boys, share Hermie, and sleep through the night.


Lauren said...

first... creepy dream, kas
maybe you should stop eating the hot dogs with cheese in the middle right before bed
then, I'm thinking maybe you're Hermey, visiting the island of the misfit toys... instead of being an elf who wants to be a dentist, you're living in utah, working for barack

Jeff and Kandis said...

Hey Kas, funny you posted because I was just thinking about how you are doing. So, whats going on? YOu must be stoked about Mr. Obama right? Any trips planned? Miss you.