

So often I need to be reminded ...

It's March. Mind you there is still a bit of snow in my drive and ice when I pull into the parking lot at work at 6:45 each morning! However, in spite of my best efforts, Utah's beauty is growing on me ~ I know, you're either wanting to shoot me for falling for the hype or for taking so dang long to appreciate this.
Yesterday as I was driving in I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the Wasatch Mountains (I think that's what they are called, the ones to the east). As I took it in, appreciating that orange that simply ignites the sky as the sun is about to peak over ... I remembered just how simple things can be.

Then, just in case I couldn't remember the reminder of the morning I drove up to the the Bountiful Temple. As I rounded the bend and saw this beautiful edifice I was in awe. So often I find myself wishing to be back in California in my familiar Newport Temple with a certain Dad that somehow showed up just as I needed a reminder of eternal perspective. Or in Chicago with President and Sister Breillatt. Or in Nauvoo with Megs appreciating the quick walk to that Holy House. Or even in Logan, the House on the Hill. I'm too impatient to enjoy the Salt Lake ~ isn't that awful! But last night, in the midst of thoughts and a bit of confusion ... I fell for the Bountiful, in all it's splendor.

I must remember that Utah is not the dryness that gives me and my Chi-Town friend bloody noses and hideously dry skin. It is not the drivers that forget blinkers and other minute courtesies. It is not the grid system. Rather it is the beautiful sunrises over the Mountains that protect. It is the coziness of the crunchy leaves on a fall hike. It is the serenity found during my canyon drives. It is the sun setting over the Great Salt Lake.

I live in a beautiful place.

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