
Giving Thanks

A few weeks back as I crashed another Hatch family dinner this article was shared, a great balance of hilarity and gratitude.

This morning as I laid in bed contemplating this day and all of my many blessings, of which I stand undeserving of, I've decided the list topper was that of forgiveness.  I am far from perfect, I speak before thinking, I act before contemplating and more often than not ~ as most nine year-olds also realize ~ this gets me into pickles of all different sizes. 

As this situation occurs more often than I care to admit, I contemplate the situation.  As the offender I realize I need to ask for forgiveness, not an easy task.  I spend more time than I care to admit contemplating the consequence of not asking for this gift.  I weigh the pros and cons and more often than I care to admit I bulk up the pros of keeping my mouth shut.  However, as the late hours turn into to early ones I realize that I've been ridiculous, prideful, ridiculous, prideful ... repeat as necessary ... and come to the conclusion that requesting forgiveness is my only option.

My family forgives quickly and loves all the more.
My friends more often than not laugh at how worked up I've become over the ordeal {which to them is far from an ordeal} and offer their forgiveness.
Now for the part which often stays reserved for late night conversation but today hits the blogging world.  As I turn to my Father in Heaven and plead for forgiveness for my stubbornness, my arrogant defiance, my lack of retention, I find the ultimate love and understanding.  He more than anyone could offer a lecture and turn His back on this girl.  He more than anyone could offer the evidence of a broken heart made such by the repeated lack of acknowledgment and understanding from this girl.  He more than anyone could look at me and create a further feeling of guilt and unworthiness in this girl.  But He, more than anyone, offers open arms and a heart full of love and understanding.  He looks at me and reminds me that this is merely a moment, that I will survive and even thrive if I will continue to look forward and move upward.  He offers the ability to be forgiven through his Son, my literal Savior.  I may mess things up, big time.  But He knows and He remains at my side, offering His love and His forgiveness.  Today I am most grateful for that.

Other things I'm grateful for ...

... memories.
... parents.
... grandparents.
... friends that are more like family.
... being called {Pretty Fairy Prinecess} by the nine-year-old boy while playing war, I may have let him win.

... my nicknamed friends.
... straight hair days.
... angelic sleeping children.
... snowball fights.
... adventures with Flat Stanley.
... being able to cry without questions.
... voicemails that are unexpected, undeserved, and understandable.
... children's laughter and dimples.

... snuggles.
... Christmas movies, Christmas lights, Christmas sparkles, Christmas music ...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

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