

I have late nights and I do not mind them.  Last night was numbered among them.  I got in right before it became today and found my mind running in overdrive.  I tried to focus on one thing at a time but failed.  I sat down at the computer to put together one of my lists and even that wasn't working.  I texted CA and announced that although he was likely in bed I needed a voice on the other end of the line to ramble to.  Bless him.  After I listed everything, pretty equivalent to nothing in retrospect, he reminded me of a trick used while I lived up in the House on the Hill ... take a bath. I smiled.

There is something so simple about a bath yet it appeases the masses, from two days to two years to ninety, baths are brilliant.  I'm a bit weird, I shower before getting into the tub simply because I don't see the point of sitting in dirty water.  But after a day of life sinking into that ginormous tub with a book or Christmas music playing quietly makes things fall away and life is perfect.  Bath time makes me 'melo'.  The mere thought of it last night, as the digital clock flipped to an hour early hour, put my thoughts to rest and I found sleep.

Maybe I need a trip to CA simply for the tub-time that I love so much.  Good enough reason for me ... well, not this weekend but maybe the next and the next and the next and the next ... maybe I'll just stay for the tub.

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