
Here We Go


YAY for one long journey ending and in that ending leading to a new beginning full of opportunity! Last night as Wolf Blitzer made the announcement, something we had seen coming but feared to jinx it by acknowledging it, I felt a sense of … awe, completion, gratitude, respect, and love. When someone truly believes in the cause, the man behind the cause, and the future of that cause and is able to witness its first step to fulfillment ~ I don’t have the words, shocking I know. To have been at Grant Park, to have been home for this momentous occasion ... wow.

FOR YOU ~ Thank you. BBBB turned to me after a half an hour in the office and said "Did you get engaged or have a baby? These calls are just pouring in for you! " No such event, to the shirgrin of my parents I am confident. But to me, for me ... again, speechless.

Thank you for the support you've given over the past 20 months I've been on this band wagon. I might not be the first to admit that my plate is full but I can certainly admit that when said plate is a bit crowded I can be ornery and neglectful. Your patience, kindness, and love truly are felt and heard. I thank you for all do to keep me going. I know many of you, bless your sweet hearts, have a hard time grasping my inclinations toward President – Elect Obama. I know many of you tried oh-so-diligently to ‘save’ me. Thank you for caring but now …

...Here was go TOGETHER! Upward and onward, onward and upward, EXITO!!


Megan said...

Yay for victory!! I'm proud of you Kas, great job. I have been setting people straight on Obama rumors right and left the last few weeks. :) And I am proud of my vote, even though it didn't make a real difference (in Utah). and - I'm sure you heard about DeAnna and Jesse? :) I am seriously still anticipating drives up north on Monday nights to watch Jason w/ you in a few months!!

Lisa Hemstreet said...

As I said to you in a text message last night...."My faith has been restored in my fellow Americans. So much work ahead to fix our country...but work filled with HOPE." Kasi, Thank you for all of your work on Obama's campaign. I appreciate all that you did to help accomplish this!