
A Letter to You

Dear Uncle Mike,

You’ve been gone for a bit now, four years this Friday, I always know when it gets close - my heart tends to be a bit more sensitive and my eyes a bit more free to shed tears. Are you ready for your update? Things have changed significantly over the past little while.

The President is a man named Barack Obama. I’m certain we would have had our disagreements about my campaigning for him. But our disagreements, whether they were regarding a particular candidate or an issue never was cause for continuous contention. There were heated moments, loud voices but in the end I was firmer in my resolve, partly due to the stubbornness I was born with, but more so because you played Devil’s Advocate and forced me to use words rather than tears to fight for what I believed in, for who I believe in. These words would have to be well thought out and accurate, you find the wholes if my logic had any. I had to not just believe but know for certainty if I was going up against you. I’m certain we’d continue to ‘discuss’ the man that now occupies the White House but it would be a good thing, for both of us.

I’m still living in UT. I had a moment a few months ago where I saw the mountains as safety rather than a cause for claustrophobia. I haven’t ridden a horse up in the mountains, not since I fell off of that dang animal. But I think that maybe someday I will again. Last week a friend of mine and I took his bike, 500, up into the canyon up north - you would have loved it, I did.

The family is … well, some may not wish to claim the Mount gene as the predominant one but guess what … those that aren’t claiming are those most responsible for the ridiculous drama that most of us just tend to ignore to the best of our abilities, sorry. Grams is trying hard to ‘talk’ through it all, Gramps just loves us all ~ although, as you remember, he did mention I was still the favorite. Most of us are proud to be part of the Mount clan and find strength and joy in one another and the rest … will learn, right? If not, you can slap ‘em upside the head when you see them next.

In other news, I’m growing up.

I remember a talk we had early one morning, you brought your jeans up for me to iron. Let’s not talk about the face I made nor the words that you had to say to get me to actually iron them. After those words were spoken, you spoke to that 16-year-old-girl that I was about the next steps. At that point it was college considerations and the latest guy that was keeping my thoughts occupied and my Dad a bit nervous. There was a jovial look in your face as I looked up from those denim pants. “Kas, you have no idea what’s coming.” You were right. I still have no idea what’s coming.

I know that some days I want a dog, some days I want a baby, some days I want my own house, some days I want to travel the world, some days I just want to lie in bed in A’s sweater and a great mindless novel.

But I don’t know what’s coming. What I do know is that I can do all I can to live as I should … serve those around me, find joy in the sunrise, make my bed, call and express my love to my family as often as possible, attempt to express my gratitude and appreciation to those others that I adore, worship and gain necessary knowledge in the House on the Hill (the Hill in Bountiful or Draper Uncle Mike, don’t worry, I’m not moving to DC). I know that when I do these things, I do not worry about not knowing ‘what’s coming’ because it will all come in its time, as long as I am willing to accept it as it comes. Sure, there are hard days, sad days, frustrating days, confusing days … but I’m beginning to understand that these make life the ‘rich tapestry’ it is.

I often find myself rereading that final letter you sent me as I watch the sun go down behind those mountains you love so much. I’m going to continue to hold on and enjoy this journey. I’m going to continue to hold fast to His love and the love of our family to bring me Home. I miss you each day but I am certain you’re close. Thanks for fighting for us up there … we’ll all continue to fight the good fight down here.

I love you.

Your favorite



Holly Mount said...

Just me, Holly, checking in on what's new in your life. I can't believe it's been 4 years already. About the drama in the Mount family: It's too bad you don't know the real story. Take care :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful letter! I am always amazed at your gift to write and and communicate just what your feeling. As I have been thinking of your U. Mike all week, I too remember the words, looks, laughter and love we shared! How his passion and charisma drove his bigger than life persona. Now as Max, Matt and I join forces to create this new dynasty we have all thought and talked of him often. Coming out of a meeting Max and I were on fire (I think his words were 'can you see the smoke coming out of my butt)-we came out higher than a kite and we both smiled as we felt it reflective of a true Micheal Mount moment! How we miss him and I don't think there is a greater blessing than to know how each of us is connected to him and carry our confidence as we support one another in love, work, life and play. No greater joy than to see my children as connected as are we. I pray one day I can live worthy and become what each of you, my children and my brothers already are! l love you and admire you more than you could know.