
The Written Word

I made it to The Nook last night, both M&S were tucked away in bed. I had a few final things on my TODO list for the day. I got through with the mundane and then sat Indian Style on the ground, reach under my bed, and pulled out two black wicker boxes. This is my happy place, my own little Hallmark store in my own little room. There were two situations that needed to be addressed via witty remarks on recycled paper. I pulled back the lids and started the search. Thanks to my OCD the first card was found quickly, a perfect match for the situation ... he would laugh and I would be off the hook for my indifference.

The second search was a bit more difficult. She needed something bold, something honest, something to inspire. I went through the 'inspirational' section ... too heavy, more for those darker times in life. This isn't a dark, nope it's bright. I fingered through the 'here for you' section but found nothing that would wow her, make her laugh, and get her into the car to do the deed. I laid back on the floor, contemplating the plethora of cards in front of me ... how could I not have a card for this? I have a card for everything ... or so I thought. There was no card for this instance. As I studied the ceiling and contemplated getting into my pajamas my mind wandered back to the two instances I've shown my 'habit of cards' to others.


We were heading to a birthday party. We needed a card. He wouldn't leave the room, as many times as I tried to send him for things. I hesitated and he noticed. "You okay there Slick?" It was going to come out at some point, we would have to discuss the financial side of my habit at some point ... might as well be on a Sunny Day when everything else in life was fairly normal. I pulled out one of the boxes, getting a raised eyebrow response. I pulled out the other box, sheepishly. His hands dove into his hair, as they do when he's not certain if he should laugh or give a lecture. "Kasi Jean ..." I quickly reminded him of my inability to discuss things, feelings of any nature, and that these cards were my way of keeping friends and people that are more than friends in my life. He laughed and sorted through the 'Funny Birthday - Boy' section for the next three minutes, letting it all sink in. "Okay, you buy cards," he said pulling out a card and plopping a kiss on my head. We never spoken of it again.

I had just a minute before we were walking out the door. Our friend was sad, in need of a card! She knew I had a card stash, as she had been the recipient before, but her reaction to the box was classic. "SERIOUSLY!?!" I looked up at her, like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar. "Maybe?" The laughter that followed lasted a bit longer than I was expecting. "Wow!"


I shot up and began my search again. I've discussed the card sending thing with a few others - but only two have actually seen! And having seen, she deserved a perfect card for this moment in time. I sorted and resorted, I read and reread. I had to have a card for this! NOTHING! I found nothing!

Dear Hallmark,

I need you to make a card for a friend that needs to JUST KISS HIM , without conversation, because said 'him' is going to sometimes open the door but sometimes not. He'll sometimes hug but sometimes not. Said 'him' is confused and she needs to clear his head with a good KISS. Can you make a card for that, QUICKLY!?!?

Best Regards,
Kasi (yes, I'm on a first named basis with Hallmark)

1 comment:

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

01. i love that you're on a first-name basis with hallmark.

02. they should definitely make this card. they'd make million$ of women happy, and millions of men open their dang eyes to the great women in front of them. :)

p.s. you know i'm trying [although not very successfully] to not swear, right? ;)