

I usually make faces when I hear words like this, "Kasi, he's great.  Just pick up the phone when he calls," or "We knew the first time we met him that he could handle you Marsha."  I don't try to hide the hesitation nor do I filter my thoughts. "No thank you ... I'm sure he'll find someone without your help ... I enjoy my random hookups with people you don't know and would like to keep it that way" and so on and so forth.

I made no exception about a month ago when this dude {because I'm throwing myself back into my So Cal talk for this evening} was brought up.  I said what I needed to divert the conversation and was successful.  So when my phone rang the next night with an unknown number I assumed as I normally do that it was one of my three International Travelers and answered with the happy tone, as there are several different tones {which Cassidy and Eli are best at identifying} I pick up the phone in.  It was not one deserving of said tone, it was Blind Date.  He was charming, as was told to me in the few 'Sell Him' moments I let my friends indulge in the night before.  I might have giggled like a girl once in the conversation and I found myself agreeing to his offer.

First date, in spite of where my mind might have been prior to, was fine.  Second date, WOW.  The man cheated.  I'm not quite certain how I feel about it as my feelings as of late have been ... well ... yep ... right ... for the most part ... exactly!  But I've got to give the guy credit, he did his research {explaining the high archive hit earlier this week}.  We started at Paradise, literally, for some soup. Then we simply drove up Sardine. 

I don't think I've ever been driven so slowly through that canyon, it was far from the glory days of arm rest shredding in the jeep, but much more enjoyable.  The colors were amazing and as the sun went down the beams of light hit in such an amazing manner, I had no words just pleasant 'hmms' and 'ahhs'.  I was content as we drove in silence, he was a bit uncomfortable with it as made evident by his constant glances and awkward throat clearing and I attempted for a minute to rejuvenate the conversation for him but I just found myself distracted by the beautiful earth outside the windows.  We stopped and walked for a bit, the crunch of the leaves wasn't quite as crisp as rain had fallen recently but it was still enough to smile and take that mental picture.

The point I am trying to make in a 'short story long' kind of way is simply this ... he clearly knew where to take me.  Between his time on the blog {which was also made clear as he brought things up that I had not discussed with him at any point and time} and his time probing our mutual friends {which they have confessed to}the man knew how to charm this girl.  I've got to give credit where credit is due and to this man I say, well done.* 

*I can't say more because, as previously stated, he reads the blog.

1 comment:

LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

I can't wait to see you for the first time in... months? this evening and hear all about this, and other things, of course.