

So I use vague terms here. When I refer to CA I could be referring to as many as six different people. When I refer to him I could be referring to as many as five different people. When I refer to home I could be referencing three different places. I've basically created for you a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE as you can plug in many different names in these stories which could be occurring in a variety of locations and your imagination can just run wild. If you are part of the actual situation you can be grateful that the rest of the world can't identify you.

Today however I have a point, no names will be used but I will be blunt. And first I make this disclaimer: It is that time of the month.

Girls are ridiculous. Yes, I am not exempt from this statement. However in recent days I've found that others are even more ridiculous than I. I have the patience of a four year old in line to see Mickey for the first time so my statement might be a bit early but I do not doubt that the girls will be equally as ridiculous tomorrow or next week.

Why is it that no matter the situation, whether its regarding said HIM or work or family or {you get the idea}, that she feels the need to voice her opinion? If I want an opinion, I'll ask for it specifically. Sure sure sure, it is part of the FRIEND definition that opinions are offered and advise is given but can that not be part of my definition for you? PLEASE!

Thank you.


LemonDrop Creative | Ashley said...

Oh my. LOVED this. :)

Kirsten said...

Is this me??? Ha ha ha if it is, just smack me, I always give you unsolicited advice! I love you Kas....Marsha! Come over again soon!