
Falling for Me

This past week has proven quite an exciting one. With changes at work {my favorite change}, haunted dates leading to no sleep, long talks with my couple crushes about my life and love {to be posted about soon}, leaves, leaves, and lots of fun in leaves, standing on desks {in several locals} ... ect. ect. ect.Today I proved to myself that there is always one more thing I can do to add to the adventures of my little 7 day segments. Here is the play-by-play:

As I sat in the first hour of meetings this morning, in my cute leather jacket that I had just re-found only seconds before leaving the house {YAY! FOR REFINDING SUCH TREASURES}, I found my mind drifting a bit easier than usual but thought nothing of it. As we stood for the rest hymn it took me a moment to blink our chorister into focus but I managed and chalked it up to my consistent lack of sleep, making mental note that I should pop a pill and get some of that life giving stuff this evening.

During the second hour I found myself in and out of focus, which is normal when the teaching is a bit sub-standard but the teacher of today's lesson was brilliant and I was intrigued when I could keep up. I turned to my friend ~ bless his heart for joining me at Church today! ~ to make a comment but had forgotten what I was going to say prior to opening my mouth. "Kas, you okay?" I nodded, not paying attention to his concerned face. It took me two minutes to write a seven word note, indicating that I had to leave early to listen to a friend speak.

As I stood he grabbed my hand, shocking me as we are not hand grabbing friends, and that is the last thing that I remember. I HAD PASSED OUT. The next thing I remember was T over me, "Kas, Kas, Kas ... " There he was right above me, his voice the only in the room. My thoughts: Why in the heck {Sunday appropriate language obviously} is T about to kiss me in the middle of Sunday School? My knee hurts? Did I fall? Wait, did I eat breakfast? DAG BLASTIT, I did not eat breakfast. Wait, is the teacher not talking? My ankle hurts a bit. T, back off, I can't stand if you are hovering over my face! Oh, {reaching down to be certain that my universal underwear was not being shared with the room} thank goodness for graceful and modest falling! Although, I've never been graceful so perhaps I should thank T for keeping his friend modest. "Kasi?"

I then stood, noticed the road-rash on my knee {the Church loves that ultra-soft carpet}, took T's hand without questioning the fact that we had moved quickly into hand-grabbing-modesty-lending-support-offering friends. I laughed as we made the few steps to the door, allowing the room to laugh as well, because clearly they were waiting for some type of indication that this should happen as they sat in absolute silence watching the new girl and her friend leave the room, laughter quickly consumed the awkward silence.
We made it out into the hall and I told T that I just needed to eat, dang that hypoglycemia and my mindlessness in the morning. He was a bit more concerned than necessary, bless his heart, and insisted that he and D drive me to the chapel allowing me to eat as we drove and have my car. After a 'joyful' second sacrament meeting {in large part due to the speaker and choir but also due to the fact that I had a bit of healthy sugar inside of me} I went back out to the car and found D and T still there ... bless their hearts.
I chastised them as only they deserved only to hear, "Kas, you can't fall for anyone but you certainly fall for you pretty well!" They had worked on that the whole hour I found myself in the building ... so to you D and T: HAHAHA! To me: Eat breakfast. To the rest of the world: laugh! It was HILARIOUS!

1 comment:

Greg D said...

Like I said - can't take yourself too seriously.